Have you tried using affirmations? Did it feel weird?
I began using positive affirmations 28 years ago. I started slow, using affirmations that felt acceptable to me.
- I am a child of God
- I deserve good things
- You’re fired. God’s in charge
- I am a good person
I wrote them on post-it’s and taped them in various locations around my house:
1. Bathroom mirror
2. Fridge door
3. My front door
4. My bedroom door
I posted them were I saw them everyday - several times a day.
Initially, it felt odd to say such positive things to myself. I had so much self-loathing that positive affirmations seemed like a lie. But I pushed through past the inner critic and followed through.
I also thumbtacked a poster board above my bed. I wrote in large lettering, “I AM WORTHY”. When I went to sleep, it was the last thing I saw. When I woke, it was the first thing I saw. I colored it brightly so it stood out to me.
Today, I still have various affirmations around my house. On my makeup mirror, “I can do hard things”. On my bathroom mirror, I have the Serenity Prayer posted. On my fridge door, I have various recovery slogans and quotes on magnets. On my laptop, I have a sticker, “I am worthy of wealth”.
Many of my affirmations today are about money blocks and untrue beliefs about business and money.
I have an app on my phone called Insight Timer. At night, I listen to guided meditations or affirmations while I sleep. Did you know that when listening to affirmations or meditations while sleeping, your brain hears the messages? I wake up feeling good about myself.
Affirmations are a vital part of my life and everyday living. I believe in the saying “positive in, negative out”. I avoid (as much as possible) negative people and negative environments.
I am a negative person by nature. And I believe negativity is contagious. If I surround myself with negative people who complain, compare, gossip, and blame, I will soon join in. Negativity is something I can’t afford. It makes me miserable, anxious, and depressed. Life is too short for that!!
Today, I surround myself with people who are uplifting, supportive, and believe in me. That translates into me doing the same. I am uplifting, supportive, encouraging, and I believe in myself and others. Being around other positive people helps my mood stay upbeat.
Something else I do that helps me stay positive- a vision board! I have my vision board on my phone wallpaper and Lock Screen. It’s my computer wallpaper. I see it daily.
What’s on my vision board you may ask?
1. My dream vacation: a cruise. I love cruises!
2. My dream job - to become a full time boudoir photographer
3. My dream home - a log cabin in the woods!
4. Diamond jewelry - because I deserve it.
5. Money - because financial security is my number one goal.
6. My dream car - a Camaro fully loaded
7. A Prada purse - I do love the finer things in life.
8. A photo of my family. Some days - they are who motivates me to do good things
9. Positive quotes about life, wealth, and happiness.
10. Affirmations!
You can create a vision board for free on Print it. Save it. Post it. A vision board is what you use to keep you focus on your dreams and goals. Personalize it. Make it yours.
What affirmations are your favorites?
What does/will your vision look like?
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