Friday, February 4, 2022

Self-Love MasterClass - Day 4

Here are tips to find ways to express love to yourself.

Tip: Learn from how you treat others

We usually treat others in a more loving way than we treat ourselves.

Think about how you would treat a small child. Do you comfort a little boy when he’s scared? Do you forgive a little girl for every mistake she makes, maybe even before she makes the mistake? Do you want to make the small child smile?

Or think about cute animals like dogs, cats, and rabbits. Do you like to cuddle them for no reason at all? Do you like to take care of them without asking for anything in return?

And then consider how you treat your best friend, or a loved one. Do you like to listen to their stories, whether they are of joy or of sorrow? Do you like to let them know how much you appreciate them?

Tip: Learn from how others treat you

The opposite direction is also possible: if others treat you in some aspect more loving that you treat you, that’s a great opportunity to receive that love and learn to give it to yourself as well.

Sometimes a loved one may say things to you, you have never said to yourself. Take those expressions as gifts and practice saying them to yourself.

Another time you may notice that a good friend accepts you more fully than you accept yourself. Take that acceptance as a gift, and start accepting yourself just as much.   

Do you notice how dogs can express happiness when they see you, every single time? 

Start your day by saying to yourself ‘I’m happy to see you!’ when you see yourself in the mirror, and every time you look in the mirror. 

Have you received compliments that you rejected because they seemed to outrageously flattering? Next time, say thanks, and allow the compliment to sink in. If that’s hard, suspend your disbelief and let the new information soak for a little bit in your being. And next time someone gives you that same compliment, you might even be able to reply a happy ‘I know! Thank you!’

Tip: Learn from how others love each other

We can take from how others express their love for each other. If you hear a couple saying something sweet to each other, practice saying that to yourself. Stop yourself if you have any feelings of envy or jealousy. That is not the goal here. 

If you hear a loving song on the radio, imagine yourself singing those words to yourself.


Make a date with yourself

Take yourself to dinner. Alone 

Take yourself to a movie. Alone. 

Get a facial, a mani/pedi date by yourself. 

Or simply take a hot bubble bath by candlelight with relaxing music, give yourself a facial and a hair treatment. 

Or get dressed up, put on makeup and dance in your living room. Alone. 

Do things for yourself that you would want your date/mate to do for you on a date. 

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