Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Self-Love Masterclass - Day 2

How did you do with the first day of this journey? (Self Love Masterclass Day 1)

Let me know! Leave me a comment. 

When you look in the mirror - what is your first thought when you see your ears?  "they are too big/small/long/ugly"? 

Personally, I have criticized my ears on many occasions, and for a variety of reasons. 

Ears serve a purpose. They are not on our head for cosmetic reasons. 

Think about what you would look like without ears. Think about being deaf. You could no longer hear "I love you" or a child's giggle. You couldn't hear, "I'm proud of you! Good job!" You couldn't hear your pet bark or meow (even if you find it to be annoying). It would be silent Nothingness.

Today's self love challenge is to tuck your hair behind your ears and display them proudly. Decorate them with earrings if you choose. AND  - Listen. Truly listen - to all sounds around you. Annoying sounds. Funny sounds. Sounds you take for granted. 

Look in the mirror and say aloud, "I'm grateful for my ears because..... (fill in the blank)" Touch your ears. Feel the shape and how they are attached to your head. Feel your ear lobes. As you feel your ears, repeat, "I am grateful for my ears because..... "  

For 24 hours - make your ears visible. Show them off. They are your unique ears. Unique is size and shape. Your ears were chosen for you. Love your ears. 
Thank your Higher Power for your ears and repeat: "Thank you for my ears. I love my ears because....."

Challenge - go 24 hours without complaining about your ears - AND about the noises you hear. 

What noises/sounds do you take for granted? 

What noises would you miss if you lost your hearing?

Much love,

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