Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Self Love #25

Have you heard of the 5 Love Languages? If you haven't, where have you been??

The author of the Love Languages is Dr. Gary Chapman. They were originally designed for relationships. However, Dr. Chapman has since written the 5 Love Languages for Singles, Men, Couples, Military, and Children. 

You can find more information here: https://www.5lovelanguages.com/learn.

This blog is strictly about the 5 love languages and self love/care. 

The Love Languages are as follows:
1. Words of Affirmation
2. Acts of Service
3. Receiving Gifts
4. Quality Time
5. Physical Touch 

If you have never taken the quiz, here is the link:

Take the quiz and return to this blog.

When it comes to deep love and nourishment, too often we look to our partners and relationships. However, loving ourselves and our own self-care should take priority.

Here are some ways you can show yourself love and self-care. 

1. Words of Affirmation: Think Self-Love

If this is your love language, then your thoughts precede your emotions and behaviors.

Here are some methods for self love/self care for this love language:

  • Write down affirmations to yourself and tape them throughout your car, your home, and at work. 
  • Journal your strengths or gratitude, and accomplishments, what you love about yourself.
  • Download the app "Mantra" and recite your mantra everyday. Or write down your own Mantra daily and read it to yourself throughout the day. 
  • Write a love letter to yourself!
  • Purchase Affirmation cards and pull 1 or 2 daily.
  • Download the app "Insight Timer" and listen to a Self-Love Meditation. The app also has self-love courses you can take as well. 
  • Become your own cheerleader and tell your inner critic to take a HIKE!

2. Acts of Service: Do Self-Love

If this is your love language, you need actions you do for yourself. Such as self love activities like checking things off of your to-do list or cleaning your living space where your future self will thank you. How can you be of service to yourself?

Here are some Acts of Service you can do to show yourself love and care:

  • Prepare healthy meals for yourself. Grocery shop with intention and health in mind. 
  • Create an clean, organized, home environment for yourself. 
  • Schedule regular physical, dental and mental health check-ups.
  • Groom yourself with love and care - facials, mani/pedis, haircut/color, etc 
  • Make a to-do list and mark things as off as you accomplish them.
  • Set a goal and make a plan to accomplish it.
  • Buy a planner and organize your life. 
  • Purge the stuff that doesn't bring you joy.

3. Receiving Gifts: Absorb Self-Love

If this is your love language, it means you will feel self love fully through the investments you put into gifts for yourself, whether it’s something small or a bigger high-ticket item.

Here are some ideas for self-love and self-care through receiving gifts:

  • Buy only what you love. Don’t allow things in your home and closet that don’t bring you positive vibrations.
  • Gift yourself with an experience on your bucket list. Budget it out and plan it.
  • Invest in your education and advancement. Take a course or a class. 
  • Treat yourself travel, whatever your budget allows. 
  • Buy some new bed sheets or pajamas 
  • Treat yourself to a massage
  • Take yourself to the movie you've been dying to see or to a play you've wanted to see. 
  • Buy yourself some flowers!

4. Quality Time: Be Present with Self-Love

If you find that your self care love language is quality time, that means you appreciate the time you invest in yourself from relaxing alone time to time spent on a fun hobby or improving a skill.

Here are some ways to show yourself some love with quality time:

  • Set aside time for daily mindfulness practices such as meditation or deep breathing exercises.
  • Make time for leisure and hobbies. Time for play and enjoyment is an important aspect of life.
  • Prioritize sleep and exercise 
  • Do not over-schedule, over-book or over-commit.
  • Take yourself on a date - dinner and a movie? Yes please. 
  • A night in - hot bubble bath and soothing music.
  • Do some Yoga stretches at home. 
  • Go for a nature hike. 
  • Visit an art museum alone. 
  • Try aromatherapy

5. Physical Touch: Feel Self-Love

Physical touch in the context of self care love languages means that you appreciate self love activities that are physically involved from a relaxing massage to the feeling of comfortable pajamas on your skin.

Here are some ideas for self love and physical touch:

  • Stretch your muscles and give yourself a massage with a foam roller. 
  • Release toxins by taking a hot bath with Epsom salts or essential oils. Release the stress and soak in the love. 
  • Moisturize your skin with lotions or oils. As you touch your skin, thank each body part for all it does for you.
  • Give yourself a spa treatment: manicure, pedicure, facial, deep conditioning treatment, etc. 
  • Dance 

  • Take yourself on a coffee date with a great book.

  • Get a message or give yourself a massage
  • Take a day to just simply rest and do nothing.

Fostering a loving relationship with yourself is incredibly healing and helps you connect with others more authentically. 

And just for giggles and laughs....

Leave me a comment with your love language. I'd love to know!


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